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Under the Influence...of You

Parents, teachers, coaches, family…any adult has the potential to play a significant role in a teen’s life and their relationship with cannabis. Under the Influence…of You is a Washington State Department of Health campaign to educate adults on how to communicate with teens and begin positively influencing their choices.

Yakima Community Coalition hosts the campaign for the Yakima School District to get parents, teachers, and other adults involved in educating teens about the risks and consequences of cannabis use.

Contact us today to bring Under the Influence…of You to your school and learn more about helping a teen in your life.

Learn more at starttalkingnow.org.

What can you start doing today?

Use these five steps to be a positive influence in a teen’s life today…

Start a conversation

Ask them how they feel about cannabis use or share your own story to break the ice.

Safe space
Create a safe space

Work on listening and patience, and practice these often with the youth in your life. Teens need to know they can come to you for advice or help, so work at creating time and space in your life for meaningful interactions to take place.

Lead by example

If you have used or currently use cannabis, take a moment to reflect on how your use may be interpreted by the youth in your life. Are you setting the best example for the young people you care the most about? What healthy coping skills can you practice together?

Create boundaries

Establish rules and actively engage in conversations that explain why those boundaries are in place.

Educate yourself

Understand the social and emotional landscape of young people today, why teens might turn to cannabis, and how you can be proactive in preventing substance abuse.